Trying to stay out of the mud. It is pretty impossible and the rainy season is just starting.
Flowers along the way. I'd say they look pretty and the flowers are just starting to bloom
Closeup of the flowers along the way. Pretty beautiful I'd say.
On the trail to planting rice. We walk along the ridges around the rice patties for about 30 min to get to where we plant rice
What the rice looks like after planting.
Prettiest rice planter in Cambodia. She really did plant alot of rice and never even got one leach on her. How do you like the Khmer sarong around the head? Water 6 inches deep, mud 4 inches deep.
Mother on the left Vie Neak, Daughter on the far R Shrea Peak just got baptized. Father and other daughter. Their bike was completely worn out and they had to walk to church, about 3 miles. Never missed. Some kind person from home gave us some money to help these poor people over here so we bought them this bike. You would have thought it was a Cadillac with all the accessories. It put the biggest smile on their faces. We see them all over town now that they have transportation. We told them the bike just dropped out of the sky from Preah vobeda. (Heavenly Father)
This is a great little member and her neice. She is 16 years old and leads the singing all the time in church. She is just getting ready to cook dinner for all 7 in her family on the fire behind here. She had 2 small fish that they were lucky enough to catch that morning. They dried the fish and chopped them up to mix with rice. They use every single bit of the fish. They have 6 kids in their family. Their father died 2 years ago and they are so faithful, but soo poor.
This is their house. Note the dirt floor. They sleep on the bamboo bed with the cooler and stuff on it. Pretty heart breaking to us, but they are always so happy.
We are still having the adventure of a lifetime. I have started putting more pictures on facebook so if you are interested you can check those out. We are in the process of doing a humanitarian project here. One has never been done here before and we are doing latrines, water filters, chicken farms and hopefully drilling some wells. The members are really excited about it. We just did the first PEF loans in Kampong Cham and they were all approved. 10 kids applied. The most that have ever been done in one day in all of Cambodia. I'll tell you more later. More to come. Thanks for all your prayers for us we really do feel them everyday.