The family on the R just went to the temple in Hong Kong. They are so faithful. He teaches physics at the local high school His kids are so awesome. Sister Neuor and Pin, The boy on the L. the top one just got baptized and the one by me is still learning. Both have no idea who are where their parents are. They just showed up at this members house and said we want to learn the gospel. They live by the Viet Nam border and ride their bikes 2 hours each way to church every Sunday. They are great kids and say how much the gospel has helped them already. They brought 2 girls with them last night who want to learn also because of what they saw in them and how they had changed.
A truck they use to haul stuff from Tialand. Notice the nice cushioned seat and great doors and modern steering wheel. Hard to believe that it even runs but it goes 2 times per week. I think it is left over from the Viet Nam war.
Front view of the truck. Look at the modern cab and the air conditioner. I does have a winch and a radiator. |
These people really have an interest in family history and we fill the pedigree charts out for them and then by the end of the month they will have the family search in Khmer and we can get it in the computer. What records there were were all destroyed by Pol Pot so the church just lets them guess on the dates. Most can only go back to their grand parents and some do not even know those names because so many were killed by Pol Pot.
This is a real common seen as we go around the villages visiting members. Kids just gravitate to Sister Thalman because they can tell how much she loves them.
More beautiful flowers. Since the rainy season came there are flowers all over the place. |
Khmer rice threshing machine. He puts rice in the big funnel and it comes out without the hull on the basket below. |
Key, Vanes wifes' baptism. He is the guy who came 3 miles in his wheelchair to church the after the first time the missionaries met him. He is now one of the gospel doctrine teacher and does a great job. |
Water filters. We just placed 300 hundred of them and the branch presidents really did a good job visiting everyone and getting them on the list. |
Here is the way most of the water filters went home |
More water filters. The most common comment is I don't have to boil water anymore and my water tastes really good. Have you ever tried boiled water. No flavor at all and it is barely even wet. |
Member from branch 2 being taught how to use their new water filter.
More beautiful flowers
Cement road that was just finished by hand and using a yard mixer with an old clunky gas engine.
Looking the other way down the road. I don't think Staker Parsons need to worry about too much competition from here.
Kitchen cooktop range
A view of the kitchen from the deck on the back porch |

Another modern kitchen. Note all the nice modern appliances she has.
Grape fruit. About the size of a volley ball and about a million seeds, but flavor is grapefruit
Kings palace in PP
Steps to get up on an elephant. White elephant at that. Not one elephant left in Cambodia in the wild. We have seen one tame one in PP that you can pay $60 to ride but that is the only one. They used to be the main way of transport century's ago. Fish and game laws didn't help the elephants here.
Elephant saddle |